Atlas is an experienced inspirational speaker. He uses deep words to connect & resonate with a diverse audience. He seeks to nourish those starving for authenticity & genuine connection. Writer / Spoken word artist / mixed media artist / motivational speaker / mentor / thought provoker in New Orleans, Atlas has spent over a decade manifesting words and images . . . presenting them to nearly any- and everyone willing to listen. By wearing his hand-crafted thematic masks, he allows the audience to focus on the message and not the messenger and to convey the notion that each of us wears a “mask” of some sort, if not many. Collections of his work have been featured in galleries throughout the country, including the highly coveted Art Basel Miami. He has performed for audiences in a range of sizes and venues . . . from a dozen or so people sitting in a subway car to thousands attending a convention (he has won 2 TX, LA, MS district championships for speech). Through juxtaposition and social satire he seeks to present the obvious to the oblivious. Merging his oratory and artistic skills, he seeks to literally give art a voice.