Margaret A. Harrell, a three-time MacDowell Colony fellow, is the author of eighteen published books, including the Keep This Quiet! four-volume memoir series that begins with Keep This Quiet! My Relationship with Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, and Jan Mensaert. Other notable books include the coffee-table scans of Hunter’s letters to her, plus narrative, in color, in The Hell’s Angels Letters: Hunter S. Thompson, Margaret Harrell and the Making of an American Classic. Also, Particle Pinata Poems, Beyond 3-D, Inserting Consciousness into Collisions, and An Underground PRINCIPIA. Also, Cloud Conversations, which features her cloud photography. She is a longtime book editor and advanced meditation teacher of “light body” and “luminous body” consciousness. She worked with Hunter on Hell’s Angels and was a lifelong friend. She has been in panels and given presentations in the Louisville GonzoFests since 2014 and is currently co-organizing this New Orleans festival under the capable leadership of Kent Fielding.